Happy Women’s Day

“Nothing Comes Easy”

I think just wishing Women’s Day to each other won’t do the job. So why don’t we start with actually asking things with people and not just women. I mean we all are just humans after all although the female race still struggles most. We should just consider thinking and laying things like emotional and mental health. Asking everyone how they are? Are they alright? Do they need anything? Because giving time , handing out care is still the best part. So this Women’s Day I think we should start by stepping out of our shoes and talk about real things. We should talk about traumas, sexual assaults, rape and how they are coping with this right now or even after so many years. We should talk about how you are beautiful no matter how thin, tall, dark, fat, obese, short, white you are. We should also lay out things that we want to do and how should we choose that part alone because society always stands in the middle of it. How about we talk about the absurd role model that has been created for a fair lean women to marriage and children. How about those dreams and ambitions no matter how bold or creative or small or ludicrous it seems. How about those times when we don’t have a choice to make or can’t stand up for ourselves with what we want to do with our lives, how we want to live and whom we want to live. Where marriage is the only way to lead our lives. Where patriarchy is as important and having girl child a torture. How about we talk about all those sexual assaults each and every human faces but we can’t talk about it because if we want to live in a well being society we need to behave accordingly. How about we not define things by sexism and anyone can do whatever they like. And hats off to all those men out there who still stand for females no matter what their role and helps them follow their dreams. You guys are real heros what our society needs more. But that doesn’t mean feminism is preposterous, there are far more issues women face every day which need not to be neglected. I think beliving in a better society is one small step and empowering ourselves with these thoughts is and stepping up is a big deal because “NOTHIN’ COMES EASY.”

Soul is my dead

I open my eyes

dark is all I see,

I push the door open

sitting up from my casket,

I see light

but it doesn’t faze me anymore

walking out of my grave,

I see people looking at me

smiling and talking

sealed are my lips

so I just nod

and continue to walk

where my legs take me.

I see them sharing warmth and love

but I don’t

’cause how do dead people love?

how do they smile?

how do they feel?

how do they express?

how do they feel light and dark?

how do they feel warmth and coldness?

So I just walk back to my grave

sleeping in my casket

hoping one day,

I would be buried forever

and this would end

and all I would feel will be warmth of my casket

and the embrace of the Earth

and I would sleep soundly

forever and ever after.



Expressing your feelings through words is the most difficult thing. Not everyone can write what they feel or not everyone feel what they write. It’s confusing right? Yeah it is indeed.
Even if I say that I can’t


myself you would consider it as an irony. But believe me I can’t express myself, the feelings will always remain confined within my heart. But I express you…and that’s what the reason is, why you’re loving my writings.